The Long Island Chrysanthemum Society, Inc. (LICS) is the local chapter of the National Chrysanthemum Society (NCS). Annual dues of $30 covers membership in both organizations. Spouses or partners at one address may be joint members.
Membership benefits include a one year (four issues) subscription to The Chrysanthemum, the quarterly NCS journal, as well as the LICS Newsletter, Mum's the Word (generally distributed by e-mail). You will also receive a copy of the NCS Beginner's Handbook. You will be invited to attend all local chapter meetings and events, and be elegible to be elected to an LICS office or appointment to the "Show Committee," as well as participate in the NCS annual convention and show and other activities.
Most important, we will help you to learn how to grow and exhibit the beautiful and unusual chrysanthemums you have enjoyed at our annual LICS show. If you like, we will ask one of our experienced growers to share his or her knowledge with you as a mentor, and be available to answer your questions as you learn the art and science of growing "mums."
Please print out this page, complete the form below, and submit the page with a check for $30 made out to "LICS" by US mail to LICS / c/o Joan H. Corbisiero / 318 Warwick Ave. / Douglaston NY 11363-1041. Your e-mail will be used only for LICS business without your express permission.
Thank you very much for your interest in chrysanthemums and our society.
I (we) hereby apply for membership in the Long Island and National Chrysanthemum Societies. My (our) check for $30 made out to "LICS" is enclosed. Local membership will begin upon receipt and continue to 31 December 2021. National Membership will begin on 1 January 2021.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address (Street and No. / City and State / Zip Code):
_____________________________ / ____________________________ / ______________
Telephone (Land) ________________________ (Cell) _____________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________